The Prototype A cool thrilling film

What really happens after a government agent happens to find himself in one of the alien conspiracy, of conquering the earth. A blue liquid is created by the aliens and its main use is to make the solders strong and soon after he becomes “The Prototype” that appear to be the only hope for the mankind.

Find out exactly what happened watch the film The Prototype. The estimated budget for creating The prototype film was about $750K. In his debut film, Marcelo Grion discussed and stated that there was a guy who said that if you are in great need of making it, make it into a feature film.

The Prototype has an excellent set of filmmakers that includes the director, Marcelo Grion, composer George Kallis, producer Marcelo Grion, Editor Daniel Duncan and the casting director Gednel.

In the movie Prototype, Vicky who was a news reporter accidently met with an alien and was given the power to get anything that she really wanted so long as she was able to ask it using the alien language. The air force and the US navy make the attempts of shooting a moving U.F.O. and the alien who happened to be Bob. They then left the high tech Earth technology which happened to be slow.

From the news the story was supposed to be a dreadful one, Vicky ends up capturing the most of the important story in the world history. Interviewing for the first time publicly what was known as alien visitor. The alien Bob then gives a gift to Vicky, which was a machine for ordering whatever she wanted in the whole galaxy.

The government on the other end in a haphazard attempt of concealing this alien contact tries desperately to stop bill and Vicky and end up in getting the footage on the air. The film was about the aliens.

Then Bill by using his practiced slacker ways of avoiding the federal agents he then gets the story aired. He is now faced with general public knowledge that was of the actual alien encounter. For the fact that the aliens only accepts direct communications from the first person they managed to meet on Earth who happened to be Vicky, they tried to work together with her to influence the request from aliens . Top scientist on the other hand Dr. Wronski then led a small team of few scientists together with Vicky to determine just what should be asked for.

Then after weeks of studying the artifact of the alien Dr. Wronski then forces a decision that was from the committee which put the entire planet at risk

The FilmNation made an announcement that they will offer financial support to Andrew Wills. The project started when after a short clip was leaked in the internet. By then it was being shopped by WWE. FilmNation then swooped it and the people that followed were the Bandito Brothers.

Just like magic the film was turned into a feature the Prototype. The Prototype offered a good combination of high concept story and immersive action. It was then turned into a cool thrilling film.