Sequel to 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' is still Pushing Through

'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' is an award-winning crime novel by Stieg Larsson, who died in 2004 before the book is published, which is in 2005. As it gains popularity, people from the film industry got interested in doing a film adaptation. In 2009, a Swedish film production company called Yellow Bird did film versions of the three Millennium books in its original order. These three films are all released in 2009.

While it gained much attention from the film industry overseas, directors with the likes of David Fincher take interest in it. So in 2011, he directed the Hollywood adaptation of 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'.

Daniel Craig and David Fincher on the set of 'The Dragon Tattoo', they were filming the opening scene for the film on location in Stockholm, Sweden

Though its Hollywood film adaptation struggled to justify the success of the Novel, it still made over $180 Million. It still was not enough to earn back the cost of the overall production, marketing, and advertising. And that is why they concluded that the film adaptation by David Fincher was a loss.

Aside from the financial analysis of its loss, the Hollywood version of 'The Girl with the dragon Tattoo' did not meet the performance expectations from its actors. Because of its poor performance quality has put the film’s sequels in a hazy spot where neither MGM nor Sony Pictures hesitated to commit into producing its two more sequels from its trilogy.

Since everyone is expecting 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' to gain as much success as possible, especially with it being directed by the great David Fincher. From this expectation, they already jumped into assuring viewers of the production of its sequel, 'The Girl who played with Fire'. But knowing that it failed to even earn enough, the production of the sequel becomes a hesitation.

Today, sources confirmed the sequel might resurrect its possibility. Though it's not going to be directed by David Fincher, Fede Alvarez is in negotiation for the directing position of 'The Girl Who Played With Fire'. It’s still not yet confirmed of its certainty, the start date of shooting and the date of release. Though all it takes is determined persuasion amongst the leading actors and other positions.

Fans may be a little disappointed as the producers plan to skip the 2nd and 3rd sequel of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series, and will do the film adaptation of the latest book from the series, 'The Girl in the Spider’s Web'. This book is outside Larsson’s series as David Lagercrantz wrote it.

The news of this latest film adaptation that will follow 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' is as timely as it can be since Rooney Mara stated somewhere that even she had given up on the hope of being Lisbeth Slander again.

Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander in 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo'

Though Rooney Mara might be disappointed if Sony will still give her the role as Lisbeth Slander on the sequel, Sony has not confirmed whether they will get new casts for the film or will be sticking with the ones from 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'.

Series continuity should be complete and in order for it to be relevant and not confusing, as far as viewers are concerned. It’s clear that Sony wants to fulfill the most recent events for the Millennium series, though viewers still hope for 'The Girl Who Played With Fire' and the 'Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest' adaptation into Film. But the news that Fede Alvarez will be directing the next sequel is enough for fans to be thrilled on the project.