
When we want to watch a movie first what comes on mind are comedies, actions, horrors, etc. But what's deal with history or, better to say, with faith- based movies. "It's cheesy and unrealistic!", the most of you will say. But what if we can proove to you that all rumours, first-look conclusions about movie based just on watching its' trailer can dissapear. To make this shorter, we will present you the highest-quality mind-blowing movie named "Risen".

Story and characters
We know that most of you have watched movie about Christians and Jesus. "Yes, about thousand times!", you will say, but what if we say that this movie can change your perception even a story is similar like in earlier movies of this genre. That we are calling freedom of creativity, what is the main factor in creating this movie. In relation to that, the producers and writers imagine to put some scenes and dialogs which are broadly connected with biblical account. So, there is one scene with Roman guards who was drunk in right time when Jesus' body was dissapeared. But, the main goal of creating this scene is to fill in narattives gap in a faitfull way to overall trust.

The main point in order to create this movie is "how to make the greatest story" with completely new point of view. The story begins from Jesus' death to his ressurection through a perception of Roman soldier Clavius who was hired to find a body after it dissapears.In his journey Clavius discovers new life point of view. He has loyal to his sword and Rome but he can't lying to yourself abot seeing some mirracle what comes in his way.Comparing to watching other movies, we are just based on main characters, but watching this movie it will be different. We can almost surely promise to you, that you will be hunted with large amount of speculations like: What's happened with the priest Malchus, did the people become believers in the end? etc. So, interesting fresh story with solid doze of misterity and with this highly ranked actors in pack, makes this movie.

Speaking about characters, the best performance for acting goes to Joseph Fiennes as Roman soldier Clavius and Maria Botto as Mary Magdalene. Also, the outstanding and memorable place in this movies goes to Cliff Curtis as Jesus with his gently attitude and natural sense of humor. Beside them we should mention Peter Firth, known as actor of Pearl Harbour movie so as The Hunt for Red October, and Tom Felton, known like Harry Poter, as Clavius' partner in this movie.

Check out the official trailer below.

Release date
Risen have remarkable finish in way that watching this movie we should have different view point of view, not like insider but more like outsider point of view through our main character in this movie. Knowing this in mind we should know that great movie is upon us. The movie release date was on 19, February 2016 and it's available in movie theatres. Film will also have violent scenes what aren't appropriate for childrens.