A 'bromance' between Hulk and Thor?

Fans have been waiting anxiously to find out news regarding the new installment of the Thor film known as Thor: Ragnarok. A lot of mystery has surrounded the franchise with enthusiasts and movie geeks flocking online to find out any new information about the film. Of course, this will not be the first time the almighty Thor has teamed up with other superheroes. Thor’s noteworthy collaborations include his work with The Avengers. However, a spanner is in the works to create an all-new partnership with a certain green mean monster with the heart of gold.

Yes, dreams do come true. Directed by Taika Waititi confirmed that Thor and the Hulk will be performing together again an effort to eradicate the forces of evil! If movie fans thought this was fascinating, Mark Rufallo confirmed that the Hulk’s might have more to say than he did in his last appearance at the Avengers: Age of Ultron. If fans remember correctly, the Age of Ultron concludes with Hulk on the run, unsure of where he is headed or if he will reappear again in the future. Now, Hulk and Thor do not exactly have a loving relationship. They have butted heads on a couple of occasions so it will be interesting to see what type of relationship they conjure up in the new film.

Mark Ruffalo confirmed as the Hulk for Thor Ragnarok

So far, the relationship between Bruce Banner and Hulk has always been characterized by a power struggle, with Bruce being unable to keep his alter ego in check. As this power dynamic has existed for a long time, the time has come to breathe fresh air into the character by revamping the nature of their relationship. One is never quite sure how Marvel will interpret the green monster’s character. Sometimes he is less sulky, but instances of him being talkative are few and far in between. For this reason, Hulk may be taking on a new persona that will change the way audiences view him forever.

Is a talkative Hulk what people want to see? After all, the character is designed to be menacing; a concept that does not appeal to many conversationalists, even Thor. Although Waititi confirmed that the nature of Hulk would be different in the new movie, it remains unknown as to what direction the talented Director will take. Based on his work, Waititi has a tendency to lean towards including comedic elements in his work. It will be exciting to see how he incorporates these elements into Hulk’s robust character.

Thor and Hulk

Ideally, fans like the notion of a different, verbose, and hopefully more intelligent Hulk. Hopefully, he will have something meaningful to say that will propel his popularity to the point of having him star in his own movies. Sadly, Hulk’s evolution has only been featured as a side plot, and this could be just the boost he needs. Fans are looking forward to see if Hulk and Thor will cement their relationship to become good friends or if their relationship will deteriorate completely to the 'frenemies' status. Until then, audiences continue to wait with bated breath for the premier.