Did "Friends with better lives" deserve a second shot?

Just the other day, I didn’t have much to do, and so I was looking for something to watch, something short, but not a movie either. So I thought; well, why not try a sitcom this time.
So I ransacked through some of the past series, and I came across Friends With Better Lives! Okay, the comedy series was cancelled by CBS after just 13 episodes, but I didn’t care, I just wanted to watch it.
But before I did, I decided to Google why it was cancelled in the first place, because I really loved this sitcom, and I was really disappointed it was extended for a subsequent season(s).

After reading various opinions and different perspectives from the many “review experts” out their, I decided to give the sitcom another shot, but this time with an open mind, and with reviewers’ opinions on my mind.
Admittedly, I have to tell you that, as I watched Friends With Better Lives, a series I considered one of the best I had watched back in 2014, I began to see what these experts saw and what I had missed.
However, despite all these “missing” aspects about #FWBL, I still believe that the sitcom should be given another chance.

Anyway, here are my thoughts on some of the mistakes the creators made, and if addressed, the CBS comedy series can make a serious comeback.
For starters, Friends With Better Lives release date came out at a wrong time. It was at the time when one of the best ever “friendship” sitcom was making a conclusion – How I Met Your Mother.
Other than fans being sad that Ted Mosby and the crew won’t be gracing our TVs, we were constantly comparing the #FWBL sitcom to HIMYM – basically, it was all about bad timing. 2014 wasn’t a good time for a “friends-like” comedy TV series.

I believe that if Friends With Better Lives is revamped or re-released, then chances are high that it might work just fine. But of course, the creators will have to make some additional changes to it.
For instance, as I re-watched the sitcom all over again, I noticed that some “lasting” and “long-tem” elements were missing. That is, the sitcom didn’t last probably because the characters weren’t established from the start.
Their personalities seemed to have some elements missing. Friends With Better Lives lacked characters with definitive personalities, thus the show lacked something to develop from, or onto.

Personally, despite the show being funny and hilarious in its own way, there wasn’t a story to build upon. It was like the characters were “already there” and that they didn’t need anything to look up for.
It was like the series was in its sixth season or something, where everyone was in a fulfilled relationship except for the relationship cynic Kate (Zoe Lister-Jones). The sitcom needed something to build from.

Then again, Friends With Better Lives mainly relied on gags that often tread the CBS network standards (gags related to sex etc.), and also heavily relied on Zoe Lister-Jones character Kate, who was too strong for the other characters.  
If all these aspects are taken care of, someone can come up with a replacement for “Friends” and “How I Met Your Mother” – How I wish it would make a comeback into my living room.