James Franco- The Talented and Handsome Hollywood Star

Born in California, James Franco is currently one of the most famous and handsome actors in Hollywood. He has been a part of some major movies like ," Spider Man", ' Pineapple Express" and " Dueces Wild". Aged just 34, he is expected to achieve a lot more success in his career.

James Franco looks great now but he was not always perfect. From his childhood, he always wanted to be an actor but he had really bad teeth. He was hesitant to get braces, but ultimately realized that in order to become an actor he had to wear braces.

James Franco initially wanted to play the role of Peter Parker in Spider Man. He was extremely disappointed when he failed to get that role. However, he was later offered the role of Harry by the director.

In order to prepare for his role in Flyboys, he had to go through some flying lessons. Then he decided to go all the way and become a licensed flyer. After practicing for three month, he finally got the license to fly.

Apart from his acting and flying skills, he is also a very skilled painter. From his childhood, he had a love for painting. He used to spend more time in his private painting school than his high school.

James Franco did some lengthy nude scenes in Sonny. He played the role of a prostitute, and hence had to strip for long periods. It was never really a problem for him and he looked confident.

He is one of the most dedicated actors in Hollywood. Taking method acting to a new level, he decided to spend a few days in the streets to prepare for his role in City by the Sea. He wanted to experience how it feels to live on the streets, in isolation completely away from the society. Although he played the role of an heroin addict, he however refused to take any drugs for his role.

James Franco is always very friendly with the reporters. In spite of being a superstar, he is quite humble and candid in interviews.

He is not the only actor in his family. His younger brother also acted in a Funny or Die series with him.

It may sound shocking, but James along with his school friends used to steal expensive perfumes and other items from malls and later sold them at a profit. Later on,he went on to become the face of Gucci.

When James got to know that he was voted as Hollywood's Most Handsome Actor, he took out the print of the proof and then showed it to everyone he met.

He may look and sound American, but he is actually from four backgrounds- Russian, Portuguese, Jewish and Swedish. However, he cant speak any of the languages fluently.

James came from a highly talented family. His mother was a successful author and his grandmother was a famous artist. They wanted him to take the creative path, but James decided to become an actor. However, he didn't want to disappoint his parents and wrote a collection of short stories called " Palo Alto".